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ED700 drive’s function is designed into two levels, basic function and advanced function. For basis function, user can set up the function by selecting value of the parameter in the range of parameter basis value range, like 0, 1, 2….; for advanced application, all programmable parameters can be setup in the range of advanced value range, normally is P01.01 to P18.08. In order to use the ED700 drive easily for most general purpose application, we develop a shortcut parameter group (Menu P00); summarize most popular used parameters into MenuP00.In this ED700 User manual, we only introduce Menu P00 parameters, for total function and technical data explanation please read the ED700 Advanced User Manual which can be download from our website: AC Drive AC Drive 0.5 HP 1 HP 2 HP 205 VAC 230 VAC 240 VAC 380 VAC 480 VAC 300 Hz 48 Hz 62 HZ 50 Hz 60 HZ Motor Drive
Regular Price: $250.00
On Sale For: $250.00
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3-6 | 3% |
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11-500 | 11% |
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